Matching scales of law with social-ecological contexts to promote resilience

In an increasingly globalized world interactions are speeding up, not only between people but also between humans and the environment. Societies today are not only connected through legal, political, economic and technical systems, but also through the fundamental life-support system that we call the biosphere. 

In this book chapter centre science director Carl Folke and board member Jonas Ebbesson argue that it is time for lawyers and legal systems to start tackling the global and fundamental challenges that humanity is now facing. 

They introduce the concept of "legal resilience building" as a framework for shifting human development in a direction where we start working with rather than against the environment.

Citation: Ebbesson, J., and C. Folke. 2014. In: Columbia University Press. New York, USA.

Matching scales of law with social-ecological contexts to promote resilience

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