A global analysis of potential selfsufficiency and diversity displays diverse supply risks

International trade plays a fundamental role in today's globalized food system, however, trade-related disruptions to national food supply have become increasingly prevalent. Although national food self-sufficiency and the resilience of domestic food production are both increasingly discussed, they are rarely investigated in tandem. This hinders our understanding of the diversity of risks to national food supply. In this article we investigate the contribution of production to these risks, through the compilation of a comprehensive national production dataset and a multi-indicator assessment of self-sufficiency and diversity. Our results show that most of the world (127 countries and territories, 87% of the global population) achieves high levels of potential self-sufficiency (≥6 nutrients fulfilled), however only 33% of the world population (41 countries) are fully self-sufficient. Of countries with high levels of self-sufficiency, fruit and vegetable production (a proxy for many micronutrients) is the most common “missing” sufficiency. 66 countries (6% of population) have a low degree of self-sufficiency, highlighting potential vulnerability to trade-related disruptions. The relationship between sufficiency and diversity is not homogeneous, highlighting that some production systems are reliant on very few products.

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Keywords: Food production, Self-sufficiency, Diversity, Risk, Resilience

Citation: Wassénius, E., M. Porkka, M. Nyström, and P. S. Jørgensen. 2023. A global analysis of potential selfsufficiency and diversity displays diverse supply risks. Global Food Security 37:100673.

A global analysis of potential selfsufficiency and diversity displays diverse supply risks

A global analysis of potential selfsufficiency and diversity displays diverse supply risks

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