Advancing the link between ocean connectivity, ecological function and management challenges

“Ocean connectivity” is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field of research in marine science, partly because there is an increasing demand for information on connectivity that informs effective assessment and management of marine resources. Achieving this will require a better alignment between ocean connectivity tools and developments and the needs and challenges of assessments and conservation. For these reasons, the ICES Journal of Marine Science solicited contributions to the article theme set (TS), “Beyond ocean connectivity.” We briefly summarize the nine articles that appear herein, grouping them into four general topics: methodological advances, population dynamics and assessment implications of connectivity, spatial and management implications, and connectivity in ecosystem processes. We also discuss the challenges facing ocean connectivity research if it is to effectively support advancing fisheries assessment frameworks and integrated ecosystem approaches. We hope that the contributions included in this TS serve to convince managers and fisheries scientists of the need to incorporate results from research on connectivity.

Keywords: animal movement, ecosystem-based management, fisheries assessment, larval dispersal, marine protected areas, marine spatial planning, metacommunity, metapopulation, ocean connectivity, spatial modelling

Citation: Hidalgo, M., D.M. Kaplan, L.A. Kerr, J.R. Watson, C.B. Paris and H.I. Browman. 2017. Advancing the link between ocean connectivity, ecological function and management challenges. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74(6):1702-1707.

Advancing the link between ocean connectivity, ecological function and management challenges

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