Climate engineering reconsidered

Stratospheric injection of sulphate aerosols has been advocated as an emergency geoengineering measure to tackle dangerous climate change, or as a stop-gap until atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are reduced. But it may not prove to be the game-changer that some imagine.

Citation: Barrett, S., T.M. Lenton, A. Millner, A. Tavoni, J. Anderies, S.R. Carpenter, F.S. Chapin III, G.C. Daily, C. Folke, V. Galaz, T.P. Hughes, A.-S. Crepin, P.R. Ehrlich, N. Kautsky, E. Lambin, R. Naylor, K. Nyborg, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, J. Wilen, A. Xepapadeas, and A. de Zeeuw. 2014. Climate engineering reconsidered. Nature Climate Change 4:527-529.

Climate engineering reconsidered

Climate engineering reconsidered

Climate engineering reconsidered

Climate engineering reconsidered

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