The mechanics of blue growth: Management of oceanic natural resource use with multiple, interacting sectors

Integrated management of multiple economic sectors is a central tenet of blue growth and socially optimal use of ocean-based natural resources, but the mechanisms of implementation remain poorly understood. In this review, we explore the challenges and opportunities of multi-sector management. We describe the roles of key existing sectors (fisheries, transportation, and offshore hydrocarbon) and emerging sectors (aquaculture, tourism, and seabed mining) and the likely synergistic and antagonistic inter-sector interactions. We then review methods to help characterize and quantify interactions and decision-support tools to help managers balance and optimize around interactions.

Citation: Klinger, D., A.M. Eikeset, B. Davidsdottir, A-M. Winter and J.R Watson. 2017. The mechanics of blue growth: Management of oceanic natural resource use with multiple, interacting sectors. Marine Policy 87: 356-362. 2017. The mechanics of blue growth: Management of oceanic natural resource use with multiple, interacting sectors. Marine Policy 87: 356-362.

The mechanics of blue growth: Management of oceanic natural resource use with multiple, interacting sectors

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