Reeling in Private Governance Approaches for Sustainable Fisheries: A Study of Fishery Improvement Projects

In response to the global fisheries crisis new governance models have been developed. In this thesis, I study one such model, Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs), that have increased in numbers and importance globally, yet received little scientific attention. Alongside seafood certifications schemes, FIPs have been developed to meet the growing demand for sustainable seafood. By employing a multi-stakeholder approach, these projects aim to use the power of the private sector to improve fishery management and fishing practices. However, processes within these projects, and how they function as an instrument of change to improve fisheries, have been particularly understudied. This thesis explores the potential benefits and challenges of FIPs as a private governance approach for achieving sustainable fisheries.

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Citation: Käll, S. 2022. Doctoral Thesis in Sustainability Science at Stockholm University.

Reeling in Private Governance Approaches for Sustainable Fisheries: A Study of Fishery Improvement Projects

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